
How we acquired Goodwings 320 leads in 3 months, and got a reduced price per lead from approx. DKK 500 to DKK 300.12.


CO2 neutral travel

Goodwings removes all CO2 from a trip. It just requires that the customer book a hotel, after which Goodwings calculates and removes the CO2 emissions from the entire trip, not just from the hotel stay, as Goodwings also removes the CO2 emissions from the flight, restaurant visits, taxi trips etc. Goodwings therefore ensures that you can travel completely CO2 free . Objective: Goodwings became a customer because they wanted more quality leads so that their sales process became easier. Goodwings does not want to spend a lot of money on marketing, but rather focus on the channels that work. Goodwings has had success with LinkedIn themselves, but wanted help optimizing and improving the leads with an external marketing department, which Elite Advertising is for them.
Link to Goodwings


Goodwings itself has a team in-house who are skilled at creating content, so we therefore agreed to use their existing content and otherwise build on from there. We advertised with a one-pager and webinar, where there was also a focus on soft conversions. We also advertised with videos and tested which target groups respond best to them. We performed Account Based Marketing where we advertised directly to relevant companies.

800,000 people have seen the ads

Savings of 66.67% per quality lead


Through advertising on Linkedin, we have targeted 8,000-10,000 relevant companies via Account Based Marketing. The first day quickly led to 23 leads for only about DKK 200 in total. In total, we have acquired Goodwings 320 leads in 3 months, where we have reduced the price per lead from approx. 500 DKK to 300.12 DKK.

In addition to this, we have increased brand awareness, where over 800,000 people have seen the ads, and around 10,000 have clicked on the ads. There are 188,000 people who have seen the videos, where 15.5% who have started a video have finished watching it.

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