Innos Tools

How we obtained 267 leads in 3 months. for Innos Tools


Outgoing fitting room

Innos Tools sells work clothes and safety shoes. We had to help them spread their new concept, namely a walk-in fitting room. This meant that artisan companies booked the outbound fitting room, and then Innos came to visit them with their goods. Nobody knew about this new service beforehand, and we were therefore responsible for increasing awareness of it, obtaining leads and exposing the service to a lot of potential customers.
Link til Innos Tools


We started with a very broad target group, which included many different trades such as contractors, agriculture, cars, truck drivers, carpenters, bricklayers, etc. We did various tests to find out which of these had the best social media potential. We created specific messages for each target group in order to maximize the potential return per target group. We found two industries that proved to have great potential and began to focus on these.

149,000 exposures in the target group

Increased revenue by DKK 150,000.

267 leads which resulted in 37 customers


Innos Tools' new product quickly became known in their target group, with over 149,000 exposures to relevant people. Our work could also be reflected in an increased conversion rate in the sales department, and contributed to creating additional sales. The turnover was increased by approx. DKK 150,000, while it should also be mentioned that a customer typically has a very high value for them, as they typically buy from Innos Tools every year for 5 years afterwards. We obtained 267 leads which resulted in 37 customers in a relatively short time.

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